(I wrote this on our way home from New York. Nothing like writing a blog post at 1 am in the dark,hee hee)
I hope everyone had a lovely holiday and weekend!
Our's was quite nice. We drove up to New York to spend Thanksgiving with Rob's family.
We left Wednesday night, right at Sam's bedtime. Rob had worked from home that day and slept for a while before we headed off. Sam and I slept in the back seat while Rob drove through the night. 10 hours never went by so fast! It was awesome. Sam did great! He slept practically the entire time. He woke up just as the sun came up and just chilled for another couple hours before we got there. He even held out to get his bottle! Although I will admit, I missed mine and Rob's road trip conversations and pointing out the places with the funny names and singing The Office theme song while driving through Scranton, PA.
We spent Thanksgiving at Rob's cousin's house. Sam got to meet his cousins Abby and Danny. Danny is just a couple months younger than Sam. It's crazy to think that Sam was that small just not too long ago. It's also crazy because Sam is usually the youngest when we go places, hee hee. It was a lovely dinner and get together. I always enjoy spending time there.
Friday we went over to Connecticut to the huge grocery store Stew Leonard's. This place is ginormous! The great thing is that throughout the store, there are animatronics of butter, bananas, chickens, cows and even Twinkie the Kid. It's so silly and fun. We thought Sam would like it.
Rob's mom's good friend came by to meet Sam later that day and then Rob's aunt came a bit after that. It's sweet to see Sam meeting relatives. He's always to happy to see new people and doesn't mind being held. It makes me happy too because I know Sam won't get a chance to see a lot of his relatives often and I'd like these moments to be happy ones. It'd be different and a bummer if Sam didn't like being around new people. He knows he is loved!
Saturday we left Sam with the grandparents and me, Rob and his brother went to Greenwich, Connecticut. We went there to go see the 3D printers at the Makerbot store. (Oh yes, we are that geeky) It was actually really cool to see a 3D printer (a machine that uses plastic spools to make 3D objects that were designed on the computer.) Rob is currently learning how to design things. I'm going to learn too once I finish up some projects of mine. I actually have some 3D rendering knowledge from high school. FunFact: I enrolled to learn computer animation in college, but I changed my mind before I started. Anyways! We are not getting a 3D printer any time soon, but it's something we thought would be fun to do on the side one day. After visiting that store we walked around a bit and went into this real awesome toy store. It was like Fab.com's kids section. They had such great toys, the kind of toys I'd like to get Sam. A lot of wooden toys, toys that encourage imagination, thought, and independence. We didn't buy anything because Sam was still a bit young for it, but I have a lot of great ideas of toys I'd like to get.

Another thing we did, we looked at old baby pictures again, now that we have Sam to compare. We all came to the conclusion that Sam has Rob's eyes and nose. Sam also seems to have Rob's happy personality, always smiling and looking so genuinely happy. I can't wait to visit my family one day and look through our old photos and see Sam in them.
It was a nice little trip. I am so proud of Sam for how well he did. The car ride, the craziness of meeting relatives and sleeping in a different house. The key, I think, is just to keep it and familiar and normal as possible. We drove during night, during bedtime. We stuck with his night time routine, even reading Good Night Moon in the car. I brought the white noise machine, stuffed animals and blankets that all smelled like home.