Monday, December 31, 2012

2012, Good-bye!

myrtle beach feb.
2012...what a whirlwind of a year! Staying positive and being grateful was the biggest lesson I learned this year. Despite starting the year unemployed and heartbroken of the many fails of trying to get pregnant, I learn to be as positive as I could and reminded myself every day what I'm grateful for. And now at the end, I have a great job and we're having a baby and everyday I wake up with a big smile.

Here are some highlights from each month:

-We started the year off with me going back to school. With me out of a job for 7 months, it seemed like the best decision at the time.

- I started my chiropractor treatments and I haven't been this pain free in my back in like 10 years.
-Went to Myrtle Beach, SC with some friends for the marathon.

-Heck ya! I got an awesome job!
-I decided to drop out of school to focus on trying to get pregnant and on my new job.
-We went to Maine to visit our friends.

-We got rid of a bunch of trees in our backyard and planted a garden. The yard is so much brighter now.
good-bye trees, hello garden

- Ran a 5k and did great!

-We made the decision that IVF was basically our next and only choice.

-We started IVF and it went way better than I ever thought it would.
-My niece became a part of our family after months of waiting!

-Guess who go pregnant?! BEST news EVER!!!
never thought i'd see that word

-I got to see sprout looking like a baby and see it moving around for the first time.

-We went on a much needed getaway to Asheville.

-Went to New York for the marathon. Rob didn't run it, but we had a great time anyways.
-We got to visit my family in Arizona for Thanksgiving.
-I got to meet my new niece.

-Rob for reals quit his job and we now work together at the same company! Such an awesome, scary, and huge decision!!
office buddies!


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