Friday, March 29, 2013
Pregnancy Ups & Downs
This week...
Pregnancy Ups
- We pretty much have everything we need for the baby, which is awesome! Again, we are so grateful for everything that everyone has given us. We've got a couple more things to buy, most which can wait until after the baby is here.
- We finally started practicing our Bradley Method relaxation again after weeks of being busy and slacking off. I didn't realize how awesome I sleep afterwards. Which then puts me in a good mood. We must keep it up.
- I am very fortunate where we work. There's been major construction going on next door to us which has been causing a lot of dust, fumes and other stuff to seep into our office. This week I was able to work a couple days at home due to fumes from next door. I'm grateful that I am able to work from home. It's also really going to help out when I'm on maternity leave since I'll be able to slowly integrate myself back to work before going back to the office full time.
Pregnancy Downs
- I've been very very lucky with my pregnancy and only have been getting up to pee at night about one time. Yeah, it's all changed now and I've get up between 2 - 3 times a night now.
- Getting closer and closer to my due date is making very anxious. I know that I'll know when I'm in labor...but before that, I'm like paranoid over every achy and pain, thinking that that's the start of labor. It's worse in the middle of the night when my mind it groggy.
- I really miss my stamina. I walk the dogs or go to the store and when I get back, I'm just beat and I need to sit or lay down. And I want to do stuff! Pfft.
Monday, March 25, 2013
37 weeks
Relief! Sweet sweet relief!
Sprout was extra wiggly on Friday. I had a lot of fun feeling its little feet, a first for me. I didn't realize until I woke up in the middle of the night that my body felt GREAT! I wasn't sore and achy as I normally am at night. Sure enough when I woke up and looked at my belly, everything was shifted more to the left giving my poor right side a much needed break. And it's just crazy cuz I can bend over more easily, sitting's not so bad anymore and I barely have rib/back pain. So thank you little baby for moving and making mommy feel better. And you know what that also means....sprout's getting itself into better position for labor day!
edit: I spoke too soon! I had some awful rib pain this morning. Oh sprout, just stay in one place please!
We spent a lot of this weekend being pretty lazy. This is actually the first weekend in a long while where we didn't have anything big and crazy or work related. We watched a couple of movies, I took a morning nap and just plain vegged out. We did get a few things done though. The shelf and my print that I bought are hung up. The car seat is installed too!
This weekend was also my baby shower thrown by the neighborhood girls. It was so incredibly sweet and touching that they threw me a party. It was a fun time, seeing all the other girls from our street. A reminder that summer is coming and we'll all be having cul-de-sac get togethers again. There was lots of yummy treats too eat, including cupcakes(yay) Everyone got me such nice gifts too! So so grateful!
I told Rob the other day that there's just about 4 more weekends left till we have a baby. That's not a lot at all when I think of it that way.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Pregnancy Ups & Downs
This week...
Pregnancy Ups
- Sprout is moving so much more now. More like, since sprout is getting so big and running out of run room, I feel it move more easily. All morning I've been feeling it's little feet. I've never been able to feel that!
- I have the neighborhood baby shower this weekend! I'm excited to spend some time with the girls since I've been pretty much a hermit this winter.
- I'm excited to do more baby stuff this weekend like finish nursery, carseat and packing my bug out/hospital bag
Pregnancy Downs
- I'm not as tired as I was last week, but I am still pretty tired when I get home. I go to bed about 9 each night now.
- More of an annoyance, but I am getting more and more hungry. I've been caught at work without an afternoon snack a couple of times, so I had to resort to the vending machines. Then sometimes since I've been snacking throughout the day, I have no interest in lunch or dinner.
- Most of my maternity pants are starting to get a bit tight. There's no way I'm buying more since I've got a few more weeks left. If the weather warms up, I've got plenty to wear; )
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
What does it mean?
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found this image here |
Last Sunday Rob and his brother told me they saw a stork circle around our house. That's pretty random if you ask me. I called bull, but nope....they swore!
I was pretty convinced that night I'd go into labor.
So what's the time frame of having a baby when the stork starts circling around your house?
Sunday, March 17, 2013
36 weeks
Oh wow...
I can't believe I'm at 36 weeks now! I remember when I couldn't believe I was at 20 and 14 weeks. Now that seems so long ago. 36 weeks makes me nervous. Makes things feel more real. This baby will be here very soon. I'm so excited and scared at the same time! Our lives are going to be forever changed. No more will it be just me and Rob. No more quiet lazy days. But that's good too since we need our lives to be shook up.
I gotta say, I love the weekends. We get things DONE and that feels awesome! Yesterday I once again went to Ikea, and a few other stores. I got a few things for the hospital bag, which I will be packing this week. When I got back, Rob and I started painting the master bathroom. I've been wanting to paint it for years now. Frustratingly, I could only help so much and even then I pushed myself too far. My body just doesn't have the stamina anymore and it makes me mad. But feeling completely drained is no fun either. Rob did finished last night and it looks pretty good! It's so bright now!
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this photo doesn't show the light green that well |
Today I did some more shopping, this time for the new bathroom. Although, I couldn't help getting something for the baby and even the dogs. Everyone deserves treats! Rob and his brother are fixing our fence today. This is something Rob has been wanting (and we've been needing) to do for years. Big stuff being done over here!
And because today is St. Patrick's Day and I am married to an Irsishman and we've got Rob's brother helping us, I am treating the boys to a real St. Patrick's Day dinner. I've got corned beef, cabbage and potatoes in the slow cooker and some irish soda bread in the oven. And you better believe there's Guinness in the fridge. We take St. Patrick's Day seriously here, heh.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Pregnancy Ups & Downs
This week...
Pregnancy Ups
- I had my doctor appointment this week. Everything's going good. Found out the baby is sitting pretty low right now. She told me station +1, which is starting to go into my pelvis. Crazy!
- We are getting things done off our list! It feels good. There's a few big things that we still really need to do, (hello, carseat!)
- My ribs/mid back have been doing so much better. I sit with a small travel pillow behind my back at work, which really helps. Also I think since sprout is making its way down, it's relieving some of the pressure.
Pregnancy Downs
- I am not handling stress really well this week. I think I let too much build up and I had another pregnant sized meltdown. It's ok, I'm allowed and I've had them few and far between.
- I have not exercised at all this week, nor last week either. My body is feeling it too, just tight and achy. The weather is going to be awesome this weekend and stay like that, so we'll at least be able to walk the dogs and get me moving.
Monday, March 11, 2013
35 weeks
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taken at like 34 1/2 weeks. |
With each new week I'm getting more antsy and nervous! I know I'm more likely to go past 40 weeks...but there's still a chance of going early! Any day now practically.
I caught a cold over the weekend. Being pregnant with a cold is a drag. Thankfully it didn't get too bad, but I am tired and spacey all the time.
I did however get to enjoy our baby shower thrown by work. It was great to see everyone and the weather was just amazing. A nice combo for a Saturday. It was at this nice restaurant down in Charlotte. I had an awesome veggie burger which, sadly, I couldn't enjoy fully because of being sick. I did throughly enjoy the grapefruit soda with rosemary syrup. How happy I was to go to a restaurant and be able to drink something other than water. Anyways! Nice time. We got lots of awesome stuff from everyone. We are so grateful for not only everyone taking time on their weekend to come, but to also get us gifts. We are both lucky to work for such a great company.
Now since things are starting to settle down with work and Rob's not working crazy hours, we are starting to tackle the big to-do list. Rob spent the day cutting down a tree that's been killing the lawn every summer and I washed some baby stuff and ordered a new futon mattress. I'm kind of bummed because I really wanted to do more like reorganize the kitchen...but this darn cold. Vacuuming was even too much for me today. Next weekend though! I mean seriously, this house needs to be ready ASAP.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Pregnancy Ups & Downs
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for some reason this didn't post on friday... |
This week...
Pregnancy Ups
- Finishing my blanket made me so happy. It turned out great!
- This weekend is our baby shower from work. I'm excited to hang out with everyone and enjoy lunch with them, 'specially after the crazy week we've had. Also, my neighbors are throwing me a baby shower in a couple weeks as well. I'm so touched by this! Rob and I weren't really expecting or planning to have any baby showers since our families are both so far away. Just shows that even though family's not near by and we may not be the most social people sometimes (it's been such a crazy year for us), there are people here who care about us and that's just so awesome!
- As a treat for a crazy week, I ordered this print for the nursery:

I've been wanting this print since I first saw it over a year ago. 100% of the proceeds go to Future Fortified, where they help provide children and mothers with proper food and nutrition.
Pregnancy Downs
- It's been one crazy and stressful week at work. I normally do well under stress, it's a good challenge, but it's taking a toll on pregnant Suzy. I have to remind and force myself to take breaks and eat snacks, but it's hard when everyone around you is working so hard as well. I don't want to let anyone down. By the time I get home I'm drained and of no use. It's a hard balance to achieve ya know? I've been doing better though and as is work.
- With this big belly of mine sitting ain't so fun anymore. I can't resort to my lazy slouchy ways. It's either straight back or laying on my side.
- I'm getting a little worried that we won't get to do everything on our list before the baby comes. Trying not to freak out! Rob, as always, is being a rock star and ensures we'll get everything done.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Sprout's Baby Blanket
I finished crocheting sprout's baby blanket! I'm actually quite proud of it. Not only did I try a pattern that I've never done, this is also the biggest thing I've crocheted. I used the same yarn for the mobile, which I have yet to put the finishing touches on.
This is the pattern that I used. Pretty easy pattern.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
34 weeks
And we're back with our official belly shots!
34 weeks! That's is just bananas! Technically I can have this baby at any time now and it be healthy. My mom had me a month early and my sister had my nephew early too. Am I going to be like them too?
Astrologically speaking, I'm not crazy about an Aries baby. Give me 5 more days past my due date and let me have a Taurus. I know how to handle them. Or if I really had my choice, I'd love a Pisces baby (but that puts me a month early).
Anyways! I am beginning to understand why girls in their third trimester are just so ready to have their babies and why they are so miserable. I feel uncomfortable one way or another most of the time now. Whether it's my middle back, shoulder, burning stomach, slowness of my digestive track or the general constant achiness. Last night, a Saturday, I went to bed at 9 because I just couldn't get comfortable on the couch and my mind and body were out of whack due from working earlier that day. But don't get me wrong, I don't go around complaining all the time. In fact, only Rob hears my woes. So while it might not be so fun and easy anymore, it's never so bad and it is a part of being pregnant. Just a handful of weeks left!
March is here and that means we really gotta focus getting our baby to-do list done. Starting this week, we should be back to normal around here. But no more dilly-dallying! We've got things like a master bathroom to paint and decorate, an office to clean up and get organized, making room for baby stuff in the kitchen, a big clean around the house, cleaning the carpets and couch, preregistering for the hospital, writing our birth plan, install car seat and other little things. The nursery is close to being finished up, we've got just a few things to hang up. Oh and another thing on our list, one awesome night out on the town! Dinner and movie. Since those will be few and far between.
This week we have our baby shower with work. I'm quite excited about it! Mostly because we all get to hang out outside of work.
Speaking of work. The craziness of the past few months and weeks are about to be over! We just launched our brand new website and we changed our name! Check it out! Rob and our boss have been working so hard designing and getting the site up and running.
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